Hermanville to Colleville
Starts at 10.00 am
Walking tour along the picturesque 19c and early 20c villas : the guide will explain how this quiet beach resort became a heavily fortified German position in Worl War II and how on D Day the British 3rd Infantry Division and British and French Commandos landed here to start the liberation of north-western Europe.
15€ /Ad
8€ /Child

SWORD BEACH 2 from Colleville Montgomery to Ouistreham : British and French Commandos
On request only
Walking tour along the beach with stops to tell the landings and the combats of the British Commandos of the 1st Special Service Brigade among whom were 177 Frenchmen.
Discover their missions on D Day, and what happened to these brave men.
15€ /Ad
8€ /Child

PEGASUS BRIDGE and the Commonwealth War Graves at Ranville
Starts at 2.30
Walking tour in the sector of "Coup de Main" Operation : the capture of the Canal and Orne bridges north of Caen by the British 6th Airborne Division dropped in the middle of German positions the night before D Day. Then the guide will take you to the Ranville War Cemetery.
15€ /Ad
8€ /Child

JUNO BEACH 2 Bernières sur mer
Starts at 2.00 pm
Walking tour along the beach of Bernières, where landed a part of the 8th Brigade on D Day.It is in front of the "Canadian House" that the Queen's Own Rifles suffered high casualties, but finally liberated the village which became jammed with allied vehicles.