"Queen Red"
Colleville sur Orne saw some of the fiercest combats on D Day.
Nowadays a peaceful resort named Colleville Montgomery whith the statue of Bill Millin.

Golden autumn light on SWORD BEACH, sector Queen White, where landed the 1st Battalion of the South Lancashire Regiment (British).
The church of Hermanville sur mer did not suffer severe damage and its bells ringing as well as the birds singing add to the solemnity of the Commonwealth War Cemetery.
My hometown since I was 4.

SWORD BEACH, Ouistreham Riva Bella sector.
So hard to believe what happened here on June 6 1944...
Statue of Brigadier Lord Lovat, 1st Special Service Brigade's commander. His British and French Commandos successfully achieved their objectives before heading to Bénouville and Ranville Bridges to link up with the British 6th Airborne Division's paratroopers, to finally establish a line of defense at Amfreville
SWORD BEACH, Ouistreham Riva Bella sector.
Statue of Philippe Kieffer, "father" and commander of the 1st Battalion Fusiliers Marins Commandos, the only French Battalion who landed on D Day.
They were 177 brave men, from every part of France and even from French colonies.
They landed on Queen Red before attacking heavily defended German positions in Ouistreham.
These elite forces were badly hit on D Day, 10 were killed and many, including Kieffer himself, were wounded.
Such a peaceful place now...

Ouistreham Riva Bella nowadays: children can fish quietly, war is over.
The 124ft high light tower was built in 1905 .